It’s A Wonderful Life: George Bailey’s Revelations Give Us All Hope

This time of year, many put the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” on their “must watch” list.  We watch it because it brings us joy; but the heart-warming themes in this holiday classic also give us much food for thought on the value of life.

The film, directed by Frank Capra and released in 1946, stars actor James Stewart as the central character, George Bailey.   George experiences a moment of deep despair and contemplates suicide. As the story unfolds, an angel named Clarence shows George what life would have been like if he had never existed. 

This alternate reality serves as a powerful lesson about the interconnectedness of all lives and the positive impact one person can have on their community.  While the movie is not directly about suicide, it does touch on themes of despair, self-worth and the consequences of one’s actions.

Other noteworthy themes include: 

Community Support: The film highlights the importance of being part of a community and the impact that community’s love and support can have on a person’s life.  When George is in crisis, the community rallies around him, showing him how much they care and how much they appreciate the difference he has made.
Valuing One's Impact: "It's a Wonderful Life" underscores the idea that everyone's life has meaning and purpose. George, in the face of real personal challenges, has an “Epiphone” when he realizes the positive impact he had on his community and how different that community’s life would have been without him.

Perseverance and Hope: George Bailey's story is one of broken dreams and hard choices –  so many of us can recall feeling this way at one point in our lives, making this film highly relatable. The movie suggests that even in the darkest moments, there is the potential for positive change, and despair can be overcome with the help and support of others and by making a shift in one’s perspective.

The Butterfly Effect: The "butterfly effect” shows us how even the smallest actions can have far-reaching consequences. George's seemingly insignificant choices and interactions played a crucial role in shaping the lives of those around him.

This holiday favorite offers a moving exploration of the complex issue of suicide, as well as messages of hope, resilience, and the profound impact individuals can have on the well-being of others. 

While the holidays are purported to be “the most wonderful time of year”, the truth is that many suffer from loneliness and depression around the holidays.  If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, it is important to seek professional help and support from friends, family, or mental health professionals. Because, as George realizes - life is better for everyone when you make the choice to stay alive and be present in the lives of others.

For more information about resources for suicide prevention in NH, visit the NH Coalition of Suicide Prevention website:

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