Legislative Update

The first hearing on HB 254 to legalize end-of-life options in NH will be on Wed. Jan. 29th at 1 p.m.  at Representative Hall, 33 N State St. in Concord, NH.  The legislation is being called “NH End-of-Life Freedom Act” – in short, the ability to legally take one’s own life.   If passed, the bill would have a significant negative impact on those most vulnerable to suicide.  The bill also flies in the face of all the excellent programs NH has worked hard to establish that focus on preventing suicide in NH.

The NH Coalition for Suicide Prevention is against House Bill 254, titled the "New Hampshire End of Life Freedom Act" for these reasons:

  1. HB 254 puts veterans and other Individuals most susceptible to suicide at risk. If the door is opened to any kind of suicide – whether it is “physician-assisted suicide” (where physicians administer the drug) or “medical aid in dying” (where the individual administers the drug themselves) --  this bill will send the message that it is OK to take your own life “in certain circumstances”.  This legislation could negatively impact the lives of those with disabilities, chronic illnesses or mental health conditions, and any others who may be struggling with suicidal ideation and who may be presented with the idea of medical aid in dying as a solution to their struggles.  

  2. HB 254 creates moral and ethical concerns. Legalizing physician-assisted suicide sets up a conflict within the medical community.  The practice of intentionally helping to end a life is in conflict with the healthcare profession's commitment to healing and preserving life.  We should be finding ways to help people live longer, more productive lives – not finding ways to help them die.

  3. Once the door to physician-assisted suicide is opened, it is destined to expandLook no further than Canada, where leaders are currently considering expanding medical aid in dying (MAID) to include people with mental illness.   In the United States, both Vermont and Oregon are now inviting people from out-of-state to end their lives in their state, where suicide is legal – essentially creating “suicide tourism”.  Other states have eased the requirement to allow other medical health providers who are able to write prescriptions, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, to provide the lethal dose.

By opposing this bill, you can help protect vulnerable populations, uphold ethical medical practices, and push New Hampshire to prioritize compassionate, equitable care for all instead of pushing death.

Please consider attending the first public hearing  on HB 254, set for Wednesday, January 29 at 1 p.m. and speaking against physician-assisted suicide in front of the House Judiciary Committee at 33 N State St, Concord, NH.

If that is not possible, you can contact your legislators by visiting

the official New Hampshire House of Representatives or New Hampshire Senate page.

Find Your District by using the “Find Your Representative” tool – when you enter your address, you will identify your district and legislators.  They listen to voices in their districts.

To contact a NH Senator, navigate the Senate member list and locate your district.

Different Ways to Contact A Legislator

Email: Most legislators have an official email address listed on the General Court website.

Personalize your email with your name, district, and concerns about HB254.

Phone: Many legislators provide a direct phone number or their office line.  If you do not reach them, leave a clear, concise message on their voicemail.

Testimony:  You can attend hearings on the bill and share your concerns verbally and/or submit written testimony to the House Judiciary Committee.

Submit written testimony to the House Judiciary Committee via the website or mail.

Learn From Other States And Canada:  Medical Aid In Dying is NOT Limited To The Terminally

“Physician-assisted suicide” was the common term used when lethal medications for suicide were provided solely by doctors. But over the past decade, some states have eased the requirement to allow other medical health providers who are able to write prescriptions, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, to provide the lethal dose. For this reason, the terms ​​“medically assisted suicide” or “medical aid in dying” is often more accurate. 

The phrase “medical aid in dying” has been promoted to obscure the fact that the procedure in question is a form of suicide. Suicide has always been defined as the act of deliberately killing oneself. But because of the negative connotations associated with the term “suicide” and the general opposition to having the medical community involved in “suicide”, the euphemism “medical aid in dying” has been offered to remove that stigma. 

Some medical organizations such as the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and the American Academy of Family Physicians now use the term “medical aid in dying.” 

For more information about suicide prevention resources or legislation impacting suicide prevention programs, visit www.zerosuicidesnh.org.   The “Take Action” section of the website will give you instructions on how to voice your opposition to medical aid in dying.  Take Action — NH Coalition for Suicide Prevention