Reagan Bischoff (13) Launches Throw Leftie YouTube Channel to Help Others With Disabilities
Thirteen-Year-Old Reagan Bischoff Launches Throw Leftie YouTube Channel to Help Others With Disabilities
According to 13-year-old Reagan Bischoff’s physical education teacher, Reagan Bischoff is much more likely to ask, “how can we find a way for me to do this?” than to say “I can’t do it.”
It is this kind of determination that makes Reagan such a positive role model for others with brain injuries or other disabilities. Inspired to help others like her, she started a YouTube channel one year ago, with tips for overcoming everyday challenges. In the year since she launched “Throw Leftie” -- a reference to her resourcefulness on the lacrosse field -- this sporty middle school student from Potomac Falls, VA, has made video tutorials on everything from tying shoelaces and buttoning jeans to hair care and video-gaming. Thousands have viewed the videos and learned from them.
Rising To The Challenge
When Reagan was 2 months old, she underwent brain surgery for a seizure disorder. The procedure left her with cerebral palsy and partial paralysis on her left side. At age 2, Reagan began Constraint Therapy – a form of neurological therapy that forces the brain to rebuild brain synapses on the non-dominant side by limiting use of the dominant side.
Since early childhood, she has had to deal with both the mental and physical challenges of her disability – but it never stopped her.
“That’s who she is,” say parents Danielle and John Bischoff. “Reagan could have settled for singing in the chorus, but instead, she wanted to learn to play the trumpet.” As a rising 8th grader, Reagan excels in lacrosse, swimming, and horseback riding in addition to playing trumpet in the school band.
An Inspiration To Others
Her willingness to help others has not gone unnoticed. Reagan was recently named the 2022 Brain Injury Services (BIS) Bryant Cohen Empowerment Award winner. BIS Case Manager Cynthia Cross, who nominated Reagan, says “I nominated Reagan because her positive outlook and determination inspires everyone who witnesses her perseverance in action. She is a fierce young woman. She doesn’t let anything stop her from moving forward.” Reagan Bischoff Named 2022 Bryant Cohen Empowerment Award Recipient - Brain Injury Services ( Just last month she was named to People Magazine’s list of “Girls Changing The World in 2022.” Girls Changing the World, 22: PEOPLE Magazine - YouTube
Resources For People With Brain Injuries
Brain Injury Services is a non-profit organization that provides services to people with brain injuries in Northern Virginia. Brain Injury Support Services in Virginia | Traumatic Brain Injury (
For information about brain injury services here in New Hampshire, visit or call the Brain Injury Association of NH at 603/225-8400.