Suicide prevention efforts exist precisely because many people who experience suicidal thoughts eventually find relief and stability with time and treatment.
Read MoreReal palliative care isn’t just a medical service—it’s a testament to our shared humanity.
Read MoreSB 248 lays the groundwork for real policy solutions that will expand access to care, improve quality, and reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and healthcare costs.
Read MoreThe study examined more than 40,000 suicides among people aged 10 to 24 and found that only 40.4% had a diagnosed mental health condition, such as clinical depression or anxiety disorders.
Read MoreNew Hampshire prides itself on community, resilience, and care for those who have served, sacrificed, and struggled.
Read MoreWhile PAS is framed as an issue of compassion, these findings highlight the complexities and potential consequences of legalization.
Read MoreSuicide remains one of the most pressing public health issues in the United States, impacting individuals, families, and entire communities.
Read MoreW Virginia became the first state to proactively ban medically assisted suicide through a constitutional amendment.
Read MoreThe findings from the Charlotte Lozier Institute offer a sobering reminder that legalizing physician-assisted suicide is far from a simple or risk-free solution
Read MoreAs NH prepares for another round of assisted suicide legislation, it would be wise to study what is happening around the globe.
Read MoreLow mental health care uptake within high-risk groups including young adults, Black and multiracial adults
Read MoreMark your calendars for the annual NH Suicide Prevention Conference on November 14, 2024, at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH.
Read MoreOctober marks the start of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. These two public health crises are intricately linked.
Read MoreThe Granite State saw alarming increases in deaths related to drugs, alcohol, and suicide between 2021 and 2022, far outpacing the national average in these categories.
Read MoreMark your calendar for a special event designed just for you: The NH Veterans Stand Down 2024
Read MoreTo better understand why Veterans take their lives, Operation Deep Dive includes fatal overdoses and other self-inflicted deaths to uncover a greatly increased death toll.
Read More“It’s important to continue to contact legislators to remind them how a physician-assisted suicide bill could negatively impact those most vulnerable to suicide in NH,”
Read MoreThe Hippocratic Oath states doctors should “use their knowledge of medicine and diet to help patients” and “avoid hurting patients, including providing no deadly medicine even if requested to do so.”
Read MoreLet’s stop HB1283 in its tracks before it undoes all the progress we have made on suicide prevention in NH.
Read MoreMore than 40 organizations and individuals have signed the NH Coalition for Suicide Prevention’s “Count Us In” Pledge,
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