Why HB 1283 Contradicts the Hippocratic Oath

Why would we approve HB1283, a bill that devalues human life and preys on the elderly, weak and sick in society? I believe it is because some view these folks as “costing too much money” to taxpayers and insurance companies – just look at Canada and the Netherlands. Start with the“terminally ill” and then expand to allow those with disabilities, those who are depressed, and hopeless … and the list will expand from there.

If you think there is not a market in the legalized death of human beings, you are wrong. This bill exposes the vulnerable people in NH to getting “steered” toward committing suicide “legally” with the “help” and “support” of physicians and family members. You are kidding yourself if you do not think some family members will urge the death of parents and grandparents for personal financial gain.

The Hippocratic Oath states doctors should “use their knowledge of medicine and diet to help patients” and “avoid hurting patients, including providing no deadly medicine even if requested to do so.” HB1283 states, in the analysis section, “The bill establishes criteria for the prescription of such medication and establishes reporting requirements and penalties for misuse or noncompliance.” The entire bill is loaded with opportunities for misuse and noncompliance!

If this bill passes, doctors will be encouraged/permitted to abuse their knowledge of medicine to help “legally” murder people and will not be complying with the Hypocratic Oath.

Please do not support HB 1283. Let’s teach the people of New Hampshire that EVERY human life, from birth to the tomb deserves a fighting chance at life. Let’s save people in NH.

Nathanael Gentilhomme