Posts in Stories
Governor Declares September As Suicide Prevention And Highlights Improvements To NH’s Mental Health System

The creation of statewide Rapid Response Teams has improved access to mental health services and provides more individualized approaches that are more empowering for people in crisis.

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Fictional Scenarios Portray Suicide Prevention Efforts for Lawyers

The NH Lawyers Assistance Program collaborated with the NH Coalition for Suicide Prevention to develop a series of articles targeted to lawyers, a group at high risk for suicide and depression, using fictional scenarios of how colleagues could help a troubled small-town lawyer.

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Addressing Youth Suicide In NH: Don’t Be Afraid To Talk About Mental Health

In New Hampshire, suicide is the second leading cause of death for children, adolescents, and young adults age 15-to-24-years-old. This age group is considered high risk because they are facing many uncertainties as they transition from high school to college to the “real world”.

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