This lecture will review the criteria for a TBI, the biggest risk factors for a TBI, the most common causes and symptoms of a TBI, the aging brain, and the impact a TBI may have on the aging brain.
Read MoreScreening all patients for anxiety and depression is being recommended by an influential national task force which stopped short of supporting universal screening for suicide risk.
Read MoreVA Secretary Denis McDonough established a nationwide goal to house 38,000 Veterans in 2022. According to Dave Tille, Director of Veterans Services, Harbor Homes has housed 121 homeless Veterans so far in 2022.
Read MoreThe creation of statewide Rapid Response Teams has improved access to mental health services and provides more individualized approaches that are more empowering for people in crisis.
Read MoreThe NH Lawyers Assistance Program collaborated with the NH Coalition for Suicide Prevention to develop a series of articles targeted to lawyers, a group at high risk for suicide and depression, using fictional scenarios of how colleagues could help a troubled small-town lawyer.
Read MoreSuicide survivors, or people who have lost a significant person in their lives to suicide, often face distinctive challenges in bereavement, including stigma, a lack of social support, and ruminations over why the person ended their life.
Read MoreIn New Hampshire, suicide is the second leading cause of death for children, adolescents, and young adults age 15-to-24-years-old. This age group is considered high risk because they are facing many uncertainties as they transition from high school to college to the “real world”.
Read MoreGovernor Chris Sununu has signed the Jason Dickey Suicide Prevention Act, which requires all student identification cards in New Hampshire to include the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The bill was signed August 3, 2022. The governor commended the activism for greater mental health funding by the family of Jason Dickey,
Read MoreWhile some may believe NH’s current gun control legislation is “fine the way it is,” it is clear that a lack of funding for mental health combined with lax gun purchase laws are a fatal mixture.
Read MoreAs part of efforts to improve access to mental health services in NH, the NH DHHS has launched 988, the new 3-digit dialing code that routes callers to trained counselors at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL).
Read MoreThe Disability Diagnosis Dialogues (DDD) Task Force at ABLE NH is working to change how NH healthcare providers deliver a diagnosis of disability, and more broadly, how to enhance their cultural competence when delivering care to the disability community.
Read MoreThe Patriot Resilient Leader Institute (PRLI), a 501-c3 founded in 2014 by a small group of Veterans and local citizens, offers Camp Resilience retreats for Military Service Members, Military Veterans, First Responders and their families.
Read MoreA proposed law, known as the Jason Dickey Suicide Prevention Act, would require all student identification cards in New Hampshire to include the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The bill awaits the signature of Gov. Chris Sununu, who has already expressed his support for the idea.
Read MoreFor some seniors, the so-called “golden years” are not so golden. As physical abilities deteriorate and mental abilities slow, the elderly population may also be experiencing stress as sources of emotional support disappear and their own abilities erode. Pain is a difficult barrier to overcome.
Read MoreWhen anxiety and depression led to psychosis for Erin Goodman, she sought help – and used her teaching background to help others as a Peer Recovery Specialist.
Read MoreGarnering strong support at the State House is SB 234, a bill requiring all student identification cards to include the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Read MoreSuicide rates are among the highest for the elderly, and prevention measures need to be aimed at increasing social connectedness and addressing emotional and mental conditions that predispose individuals to contemplate taking their lives.
Read MoreMarch is Brain Injury Awareness Month. According to the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA), every 9 seconds, someone in the United States sustains a brain injury.y.
Read MoreAccording to a report released last year by the Department of Veterans Affairs, every day, 17 veterans in the United States die by suicide, and veterans are 52.3 percent more likely to take their own lives than the general population.
Read MoreWith this memoir, author Donald Antrim hopes to destigmatize mental illness, and to “strip away the hushed-whispers mystery sounding suicide.”
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